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Mikrotik Scripting – Array Push Function

Since the scripting language at the moment on Router OS version 6.13 is lacking in the array editing department, here is a simple array push function I created.

# Usage: [$arrayPush <$array name> <value> <key position to place value (0-n or -1)>]
# Input an array name, value, and the key position to push the value to. To push value to the end of the array, enter -1.
# If array doesn't already exist, you must declare the variable and set it to "" before calling the function.
 Continue reading "Mikrotik Scripting – Array Push Function"

Mikrotik Scripting – Function to Split an IP Address into an Array

If you are unfamiliar with Mikrotik networking equipment, do yourself a favor and check them out at or Mikrotik uses Router OS, a Linux based operating system. In my eyes, they are every bit as comparable to Cisco at a fraction of the price with an impressive and robust GUI. I’ve been using them in production environments for six years with outstanding results. What other networking equipment has it’s own scripting language? None that I know of. The CCR series of routers with up to 36 processor cores are unparalleled in performance and flexibility.
Continue reading “Mikrotik Scripting – Function to Split an IP Address into an Array”

Bash Script – Sync a File to an Array of Hosts

# Sync a file to a remote set of servers using scp and check using diff
# NOTE: This requires the use of 'sshpass' and IS insecure in nature
# It also assumes the user credentials are identical on all hosts
# and that they have the necessary permissions on the remote directory
# Author: Nathan Thomas
SERVERS=('' '' '')
for HOST in "${SERVERS[@]}" ; do
        # NOTE: This won't work if the host keys are not already in the ssh cache
        # Flush ssh hosts - Either uncomment these two lines on first run or you could leave it uncommented for hosts that change addresses a lot
 Continue reading "Bash Script – Sync a File to an Array of Hosts"

Bash Script – Script Based MySQL Table Replication on an Array of Slaves

This bash script only uses row count and MySQL checksum to determine table consistency. I created this script because I wanted a different option rather than using MySQL replication. I initially had replication set up and working between six sites but it would tend to break from time to time so I needed a different solution. In my situation, my data was only being updated once or twice a week. This script should only be used in cases where you’re not overly concerned about your data consistency and row count and checksum are sufficient enough to suit your needs. If you need a more accurate consistency check of your table data, look into the Percona Toolkit.

# Sync DB Tables w/o Replication
# Author: Nathan Thomas 01/16/2014

# VARS #
# Server to sync DB from

# Array of slave hostnames separated by a space
declare -a SLAVE=('' '' '')
# Array of slave usernames in same order
declare -a SUSER=('username1' 'username2' 'username3')
# Array of slave passwords in same order
declare -a SPASS=('password1' 'password2' 'password3')

# Check table exists
# params: $1=username $2=password $3=hostname
function tableExists() {
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Called function 'tableExists' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Running query to verify table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
        local RESULT=`mysql -u $1 -p$2 -h $3 -Bse "$QUERY" 2>&1`
        local RETVAL="$?"
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Query on $3 retured the following value: '${RESULT}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Exit status of last command on $3 returned: '${RETVAL}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
        if [ "${RETVAL}" -eq "0" -a "${RESULT}" -eq "0" 2>/dev/null ] ; then  # Retval 0, query returned 0, hide stderr, Table missing
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Table '${TBLNAME}' does not exist in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' completed successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                return 1  # No dice
        elif [ "${RETVAL}" -eq "0" -a "${RESULT}" -eq "1" 2>/dev/null ] ; then  # Retval 0, query returned 1, hide stderr, Table exists
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' completed successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                return 0  # All good
        else  # Some other error
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Unable to determine table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - We either encountered an error code in the SQL data, had a problem connecting to MySQL, or the last command exited with a nonzero status." >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' did not finish successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                return 2  # No dice

# Get row count
# params: $1=username $2=password $3=hostname
function getRowCount() {
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Called function 'getRowCount' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Verifying table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
        tableExists $1 $2 $3
        if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then  # Retval 0, table exists
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Running query to obtain row count on table '${TBLNAME}' in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                local QUERY="SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ${TBLNAME}"
                local RESULT=`mysql -u $1 -p$2 -h $3 ${DBNAME} -Bse "${QUERY}" 2>&1`
                local RETVAL="$?"
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Query on $3 retured the following value: '${RESULT}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Exit status of last command on $3 returned: '${RETVAL}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
                if [ "${RETVAL}" -eq "0" -a -n "${RESULT}" -a "${RESULT}" -eq "${RESULT}" 2>/dev/null ] ; then  # Retval 0, check for nonzero string, is numeric, hide stderr
                        echo "${RESULT}"
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - The row count on $3 is: '${RESULT}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'getRowCount' completed successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                        return 0  # All good
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Unable to retrieve row count on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - We either encountered an error code in the SQL data, had a problem connecting to MySQL, or the last command exited with a nonzero status." >> ${LOGFILE}
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' did not finish successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                        return 1  # No dice

# Get table checksum
# params: $1=username $2=password $3=hostname
function getTableChecksum() {
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Called function 'getTableChecksum' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
 Continue reading "Bash Script – Script Based MySQL Table Replication on an Array of Slaves"

Linux – Policy-Based Routing Enables the Use of Multiple IP Default Gateways

Props to this site for the helpful info.

1. Configure your first static IP Address and Gateway information as normal inside of /etc/network/interfaces. If you have multiple static IP’s in the same subnet using the same gateway you should be fine to add them as sub-interfaces with no problems.

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
 Continue reading "Linux – Policy-Based Routing Enables the Use of Multiple IP Default Gateways"

Exchange 2010 OWA – Can’t Delete Messages

Out of nowhere today I rebooted my Exchange server (that has been up and running for several years without problems) then users could no longer delete their messages – they would just receive an unfriendly message stating that “An unexpected error occurred and your request could not be handled”. The event log showed the following error every couple of seconds:

Event 3, System.ServiceModel

WebHost failed to process a request.
 Sender Information: System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostingEnvironment+HostingManager/20974680
 Exception: System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException: The service '/EWS/Exchange.asmx' cannot be activated due to an exception during compilation.  The exception message is: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Exchange.Services.Wcf.MessageInspectorManager' threw an exception.. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Exchange.Services.Wcf.MessageInspectorManager' threw an exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1).
 Continue reading "Exchange 2010 OWA – Can’t Delete Messages"

Exchange Server 2010 – Changing Message Tracking Log Retention Period

To ensure that the Message Tracking Log is enabled, inside the Exchange Management Console, navigate to the following area:

Server Configuration >
Hub Transport >
Right click on your Hub Transport entry >
Log Settings Tab >
Check the box labeled "Enable message tracking log" and directly underneath it, enter the path where your log files will reside.

Open the Exchange Management Shell console and determine your server’s identity and verfiy logging is enabled with either of these commands.
Continue reading “Exchange Server 2010 – Changing Message Tracking Log Retention Period”

Install MySQL Activity Report from Source

MySQL Activity Report is a handy database reporting tool that uses RRD (Round Robin Database) to display hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly graphs and gives helpful performance tuning recommendations for your MySQL installation. Here are the steps to install it from source on Ubuntu Server 12.04.3 while logged in as root. This assumes that you have the build-essentials, header files, etc necessary to build software already installed.

1. Change into your local source directory

cd /usr/local/src

2. Download the source files for rrdtool and mysqlard


3. Unzip the files

tar -zxvf rrdtool-1.4.8.tar.gz
tar -zxvf mysqlard-1.0.0.tar.gz

4. Change into the rrd directory

cd rrdtool-1.4.8

5. Install dependencies

apt-get install libpango1.0-dev libxml2-dev

6. Build rrdtool (will install to the /opt/rrdtool-1.4.8 directory)
Continue reading “Install MySQL Activity Report from Source”