ChopperSBZ – Yum

Hon-ey, you so
I'll eat you up
I'm neverr full
Wha hut you reap
Is what you sow
I feel the heat
So hoe, let's go

I'm the huh dev-il
Ih hin your thoughts
I'm nuh hot your brro

I'm about to blow

Bitch, you so

Call me force majeure
Cuz I'm a disaster
Better lock your daughter up
And fuckin call the pastor
That I'm after
Fill her head with naughty thoughts
full of laughter
Red bull I'll give you wings

Lose control

Implementing DKIM on Exchange 2019 CU11 with Microsoft DNS

Sometimes the path we choose is only met with minimal speed bumps. We’ll call that a good day. Spoiler alert, MS DNS doesn’t play nice. Who’da thunk it? 👎 What, no middle finger emoji? I am appalled, Windows 10.

So, you’ve been putting it off for a real long time, maybe you got sidetracked reading r/ShittySysadmin on Reddit, and you haven’t felt like dicking with it, but today’s a new day, and you haven’t totally had your fill of punishment yet, so you decide to take the plunge.

For a little back story, after almost twenty years of being a sysadmin, dealing with endless server problems, Windows problems galore, buggy software, and providing direct tech support to crabby, ungrateful end-users, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that to be a sysadmin, whether you know it or not, you have to be a masochist deep down, because only a crazy man would willingly endure this kind of torture. Smh. It’s true, it’s true. 🙄 Anywho, I’ll be your copilot this evening, so let’s kick this bitch into overdrive, and get some shit done.

Here’s some basic instructions to implement DKIM signing on Microsoft Exchange 2019 CU11 relatively painlessly in about 15 minutos, pending you’re on a recent version of Windows. In my case, I was on Windows Server Standard 2019 LTS v1809, so no .NET dependencies needed to be met. Cue Ranier Wolfcastle, “Up and at them!“.

Continue reading “Implementing DKIM on Exchange 2019 CU11 with Microsoft DNS”

Donovan Park

Swaying in a summer's breeze 
Thoughts to put a mind at ease
Fields of yellow yield flying fellows
Waves cresting through blades of grass
Soft as rain, on feathered glass
Nature speaks, if one can listen
Granting temporal absolution

NextCloud – Purge Music Library from DB

I recently posted an old bash script I had written to forcefully rescan the music library for the music app in NextCloud when new files aren’t being found, but what happens when you delete or make some changes to the MP3’s or file structure of your music library, then you go to run the rescan library occ script, and NextCloud proceeds to go ape shit, spewing a whole lot of errors in RED, and you can’t do anything? What now, home slice?

Welp, after some research, I found the easiest fix was just to dump the corresponding “oc_music_tracks” table from the database and start fresh. So again, it’s script writin’ time, boyz and girlz!

Continue reading “NextCloud – Purge Music Library from DB”

NextCloud – Rescan Music Library for All Users

NextCloud is a kick-ass piece of open-source software for personal cloud file sharing, backing up cell phones, email, and other forms of data, syncing contact lists, online collaboration, communication, and a variety of other use cases, but over the last few years, I’ve come across a few pitfalls and annoyances that required manual interventions. In doing so, I’ve lost quite a few man-hours of my pitiful existence on this planet scouring forums and GitHub posts, so let my loss be your gain.

Continue reading “NextCloud – Rescan Music Library for All Users”

Google AdSense Ads Are Not Displayed in Firefox with Startpage Privacy Protection Installed

Oh man, I was banging my head off of the desk for a good long while trying to figure out why Google AdSense ads were not being displayed using Google SiteKit (Version 1.92.0) on a WordPress installation (Version 6.1.1). I scoured forums for countless hours on end blindly following rabbit trails of various troubleshooting steps, install guides on Google AdSense and Tag Manager manual installation, and reading other people’s articles that were having similar error messages, none of which were overly helpful, but was not having any luck. It’s only in retrospect, that I realized if I were paying closer attention to some really obvious details, I could have spared myself some grief and several more wasted ticks off the old life clock.

These are the two primary (redacted) error messages I was getting:

Blocked By Extension

TLDR – “Blocked By Extension” was the dead giveaway I kept overlooking.

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null).

Continue reading “Google AdSense Ads Are Not Displayed in Firefox with Startpage Privacy Protection Installed”

Bash Script – Test Veeam Linux Agent Socket and Restart Service if Needed

I recently started using the full version of Veeam Backup & Replication (Build 11.01.1261) in a corporate production environment and was kind of shocked to find that the Veeam Agent for Linux (Agent version: fails so regularly with the following warning and error messages:

Processing ServerName Error: Failed to execute agent management command print. Connection refused Failed to connect: /var/tmp/veeam/socket/veeamservice.sock. Failed to connect to veeamservice daemon.


Task failed. Error: Failed to execute agent management command print. Connection refused Failed to connect: /var/tmp/veeam/socket/veeamservice.sock. Failed to connect to veeamservice daemon.

Apparently, Veeam offers no error checking or resolution process for automatically restarting the service, so I had to write a quick script to resolve this ongoing issue.
Continue reading “Bash Script – Test Veeam Linux Agent Socket and Restart Service if Needed”

Korn – Y’all Want a Single Lyrics

Y’all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, Fuck that
Y’all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, Fuck that
Y’all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, Fuck that
Y’all want a single say fuck that
Boom Boom Boom Boom

What’s going on today?
We gotta break away
We got a problem and
I think it’s going to make us go down

They think we’re all the same
And always we’re to blame
For shit I think is lame
It’s time to stop the game
I think it’s time to pay for everything you made me say

Y’all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, Fuck that [x4]

Continue reading “Korn – Y’all Want a Single Lyrics”