Exchange Server 2010 – Increase Number of Move Requests by the Mailbox Replication Service

If your in a bind, your server can spare the extra resources, and you’ve got a lot of mailboxes to move to a different database in a hurry for one reason or another, you will probably want to edit the “MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config” file located in the “Bin” folder of your server’s installation directory to increase the performance of the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication Service. For a complete listing of the variables and their options in the config file, check out this site.
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Bash Script – Move Asterisk Call Files into Spool Directory

After running into permission issues trying to get PHP’s shell_exec command to chown call files as the asterisk user(which only root can do), I decided to make this script.

As a side note, you should be able to get the shell_exec command to work using sudo by adding the www-data user to the sudoer’s file without a password but that wouldn’t work in my particular environment. The server I was working on was extremely outdated and didn’t even have sudo installed.

Add this to /etc/sudoers
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/script

The following code runs the script as a daemon. You will need to update rc to start this script at default run levels and also make sure to chmod +x this file to make it executable.

filename: /etc/init.d/mvcallfile

# Move asterisk call file daemon startup script
# Author: Nathan Thomas

 Continue reading "Bash Script – Move Asterisk Call Files into Spool Directory"