Implementing DKIM on Exchange 2019 CU11 with Microsoft DNS

Sometimes the path we choose is only met with minimal speed bumps. We’ll call that a good day. Spoiler alert, MS DNS doesn’t play nice. Who’da thunk it? 👎 What, no middle finger emoji? I am appalled, Windows 10.

So, you’ve been putting it off for a real long time, maybe you got sidetracked reading r/ShittySysadmin on Reddit, and you haven’t felt like dicking with it, but today’s a new day, and you haven’t totally had your fill of punishment yet, so you decide to take the plunge.

For a little back story, after almost twenty years of being a sysadmin, dealing with endless server problems, Windows problems galore, buggy software, and providing direct tech support to crabby, ungrateful end-users, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that to be a sysadmin, whether you know it or not, you have to be a masochist deep down, because only a crazy man would willingly endure this kind of torture. Smh. It’s true, it’s true. 🙄 Anywho, I’ll be your copilot this evening, so let’s kick this bitch into overdrive, and get some shit done.

Here’s some basic instructions to implement DKIM signing on Microsoft Exchange 2019 CU11 relatively painlessly in about 15 minutos, pending you’re on a recent version of Windows. In my case, I was on Windows Server Standard 2019 LTS v1809, so no .NET dependencies needed to be met. Cue Ranier Wolfcastle, “Up and at them!“.

Continue reading “Implementing DKIM on Exchange 2019 CU11 with Microsoft DNS”

Exchange 2010 – Add Send As Permission for All Users/Future Users from a User Account

No need for a bunch of hoopla, here’s the short and sweet version.

Add Send As Permission for All Users from a User Account

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Add-ADPermission -User "YourDomain\Username" -Extendedrights "Send As"

To add send as permissions for future users, we need to create a powershell script with the above line in it, make sure you have enabled the use of unsigned scripts by issuing the “Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned” command at an administrator ran PowerShell prompt, and create a task scheduler job to run our script with the administrator credentials saved in there.
Continue reading “Exchange 2010 – Add Send As Permission for All Users/Future Users from a User Account”

PowerShell Script – Generate DFS-R Health Reports and Email Them

Sure there are a few DFS-R scripts out there to choose from in various languages like batch, vbscript, and even PowerShell to name a few, but I decided to write one to fit my own personal needs at the time.

I created this so that it could be ran as a scheduled task each morning. Basically the script just lets you set an array of different replication groups to run the Health Report on, attaches them all to a single email, and then shoots that email off via an SSL connection through an Exchange server in this particular case. Continue reading “PowerShell Script – Generate DFS-R Health Reports and Email Them”

Exchange Server 2010 – Increase Number of Move Requests by the Mailbox Replication Service

If your in a bind, your server can spare the extra resources, and you’ve got a lot of mailboxes to move to a different database in a hurry for one reason or another, you will probably want to edit the “MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config” file located in the “Bin” folder of your server’s installation directory to increase the performance of the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication Service. For a complete listing of the variables and their options in the config file, check out this site.
Continue reading “Exchange Server 2010 – Increase Number of Move Requests by the Mailbox Replication Service”

Exchange Server 2010 – Purge the Deleted Items (RecoverableItems) Folder

Being the devoted Email Administrator that you are, you notice that the space for storing mailboxes on your Exchange Server is getting dangerously low, so you decide to take action. Logically, your first thought would be to have all your end users go through all the folders in their mailbox and get rid of any junk they don’t need and then empty their “Deleted Items” folder to regain the space back. After all, in most cases there really is no reason for users to keep every single email they’ve ever sent and received since the beginning of time (which a lot of them tend to do and I’ll never understand why).

Unfortunately, as you’ve probably already noticed, that is not the case. Simply having a user empty their “Deleted Items” folder has no effect on the database size whatsoever. This is partially due to the nifty feature that allows users to be able to recover deleted messages after they’ve already emptied their trash. By default, Exchange keeps deleted items for 14 days until they are purged, so now it is necessary to manually force the deletion of these items.
Continue reading “Exchange Server 2010 – Purge the Deleted Items (RecoverableItems) Folder”

Exchange Server 2010 – Get a List of Mailboxes by Size

In the Exchange Management Shell, to get a simple list of mailboxes sorted by size, in descending order:

Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -descending | ft DisplayName,TotalItemSize -autosize

Now let’s dig a little deeper and show each mailbox’s storage quota limit status and display the total count of email messages as well:

Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -descending | ft DisplayName,StorageLimitStatus,ItemCount,TotalItemSize -autosize

Continue reading “Exchange Server 2010 – Get a List of Mailboxes by Size”

Exchange 2010 OWA – Outgoing Attachments Not Visible in Compose New Message Window

For about the last nine months to a year, I have been having ongoing problems with Exchange 2010 OWA with SP3 not showing attachments on outgoing emails. Even though the attachments would still get delivered, the location where the attachments would normally show up had completely disappeared and you couldn’t remove items after attaching them. I can personally vouch that this issue affected IE8, IE10, IE11 on PC and Google Chrome on MAC. As for Firefox or Safari, I can’t really remember whether they were affected or not and since it’s already fixed I have no way of testing it.
Continue reading “Exchange 2010 OWA – Outgoing Attachments Not Visible in Compose New Message Window”