Ultra VNC – Send Custom Keys Workaround and ASCII Reference Chart

Unfortunately, not only is the option considered experimental, but the Ultra VNC documentation on how to “Send Custom Keys” is less than ideal, and remembering the decimal equivalent of each key on the keyboard is simply not an option for me. I currently have no want or need to know this information by heart, so I’m not even going to attempt to do so. So, when desperate times call for desperate measures, it’s time to start thinking on your feet and stop pouting like a little man-girl, you’ve still got options.

Luckily, if your running any newer version of Windows (I guess if you want to call it luck), you’re a slug-headed, loser douche, extraordinaire (present company included, I just wish the Linux desktop environments weren’t so damn slow) that doesn’t care about his or her right to computer privacy…Wait, I mean, luckily, you can use the On-Screen Keyboard as a workaround for this, and you can send whatever custom key combinations you need.

There are several ways to pull up the On-Screen Keyboard:
1. In the run/search menu, start typing On-Screen Keyboard and when it comes up, select it.
2. This may be a little different depending on which OS you are on but it should be something like this…

Start > All Programs > Windows Ease of Access > On-Screen Keyboard


Start > All Programs > Accessories > Windows Ease of Access > On-Screen Keyboard

3. At the run/search menu, type in “%windir%\system32\osk.exe”.

The rest of this is just a few informational links and ASCII charts for my own personal reference.


American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASCII
  dec is decimal value
  hex is 8-bit hexadecimal value
  key is 104-key PC keyboard keycode in hexadecimal
  type means how to type character (shift not shown) C- for hold control down
  def  is control character definition, e.g. LF line feed, FF form feed,
       CR carriage return, BS back space,
dec hex key type def   dec hex key type   dec hex key type   dec hex key type
  0  00  13 C-@  NULL   32  20  5E space   64  40  13 @       96  60  11 `
  1  01  3C C-A  SOH    33  21  12 !       65  41  3C A       97  61  3C a
  2  02  50 C-B  STX    34  22  46 "       66  42  50 B       98  62  50 b
  3  03  4E C-C  ETX    35  23  14 #       67  43  4E C       99  63  4E c
  4  04  3E C-D  EOT    36  24  15 $       68  44  3E D      100  64  3E d
  5  05  29 C-E  ENQ    37  25  16 %       69  45  29 E      101  65  29 e
  6  06  3F C-F  ACK    38  26  18 &       70  46  3F F      102  66  3F f
  7  07  40 C-G  BEL    39  27  46 '       71  47  40 G      103  67  40 g
  8  08  41 C-H  BS     40  28  1A (       72  48  41 H      104  68  41 h
  9  09  2E C-I  HT     41  29  1B )       73  49  2E I      105  69  2E i
 10  0A  42 C-J  LF     42  2A  19 *       74  4A  42 J      106  6A  42 j
 11  0B  43 C-K  VT     43  2B  1D +       75  4B  43 K      107  6B  43 k
 12  0C  44 C-L  FF     44  2C  53 ,       76  4C  44 L      108  6C  44 l
 13  0D  52 C-M  CR     45  2D  1C -       77  4D  52 M      109  6D  52 m
 14  0E  51 C-N  SO     46  2E  54 .       78  4E  51 N      110  6E  51 n
 15  0F  2F C-O  SI     47  2F  55 /       79  4F  2F O      111  6F  2F o
 16  10  30 C-P  DLE    48  30  1B 0       80  50  30 P      112  70  30 p
 17  11  27 C-Q  DC1    49  31  12 1       81  51  27 Q      113  71  27 q
 18  12  2A C-R  DC2    50  32  13 2       82  52  2A R      114  72  2A r
 19  13  3D C-S  DC3    51  33  14 3       83  53  3D S      115  73  3D s
 20  14  2B C-T  DC4    52  34  15 4       84  54  2B T      116  74  2B t
 21  15  2D C-U  NAK    53  35  16 5       85  55  2D U      117  75  2D u
 22  16  4F C-V  SYN    54  36  17 6       86  56  4F V      118  76  4F v
 23  17  2E C-W  ETB    55  37  17 7       87  57  28 W      119  77  28 w
 24  18  4D C-X  CAN    56  38  19 8       88  58  4D X      120  78  4D x
 25  19  2C C-Y  EM     57  39  1A 9       89  59  2C Y      121  79  2C y
 26  1A  4C C-Z  SUB    58  3A  45 :       90  5A  4C Z      122  7A  4C z
 27  1B  31 C-[  ESC    59  3B  45 ;       91  5B  31 [      123  7B  31 {
 28  1C  33 C-\  FS     60  3C  53 <       92  5C  33 \      124  7C  33 |
 29  1D  32 C-]  GS     61  3D  3D =       93  5D  32 ]      125  7D  32 }
 30  1E  17 C-^  RS     62  3E  54 >       94  5E  17 ^      126  7E  11 ~
 31  1F  1C C-_  US     63  3F  55 ?       95  5F  1C _      127  7F  34 delete

Additional key codes (most have no ASCII)[must track shift-up, shift-down etc.]
  key type        key type          key type             key type
  01  ESCAPE      10  PAUSE          39 keypad 9 PAGE UP  5D LEFT ALT
  02  F1          1E  BACKSPACE      3A keypad +          5E SPACE
  03  F2          1F  INSERT         3B CAPS LOCK         5F RIGHT ALT
  04  F3          20  HOME           47 ENTER             60 RIGHT CTRL
  05  F4          21  PAGE UP        48 keypad 4 LEFT     61 LEFT ARROW
  06  F5          22  NUM LOCK       49 keypad 5          62 DOWN ARROW
  07  F6          23  keypad /       4A keypad 6 RIGHT    63 RIGHT ARROW
  08  F7          24  keypad *       4B LEFT SHIFT        64 keypad 0 INS
  09  F8          25  keypad -       56 RIGHT SHIFT       65 keypad . DEL
  0A  F9          26  TAB            57 UP ARROW          66 LEFT WINDOWS
  0B  F10         34  DELETE         58 keypad 1 END      67 RIGHT WINDOWS
  0C  F11         35  END            59 keypad 2 DOWN     68 APPLICATION
  0D  F12         36  PAGE DOWN      5A keypad 3 PAGE DN  7E SYS REQ
  0E  PRT SCRN    37  keypad 7 HOME  5B keypad ENTER      7F BREAK
  0F  SCROLL LOCK 38  keypad 8 UP    5C LEFT CTRL

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