OpenMCU-ru – DSCP Based QoS Packet Tagging Rules for Linux IP Tables

In Ubuntu, the best way to ensure that the firewall is up and running and that your packet filtering or mangling rules are in place any time the network connection comes up, you should create a rule in the /etc/network/if-up.d folder. An alternative approach to that would be to put a “post-up” rule on whatever interface in you /etc/network/interfaces file. From my experience, so that your firewall rules can be easily maintained as well having the ability to make comments for each rule, it’s ideal to take advantage of the iptables-save and iptables-restore functionality.

In order to follow this procedure, the first time you set up the firewall, you will have to manually add all the firewall rules and then issue the iptables-save command. For sake of saving time, I will just provide you with the contents of my config file that can be restored with the iptables-restore < config_file command. Continue reading “OpenMCU-ru – DSCP Based QoS Packet Tagging Rules for Linux IP Tables”

Bash Script – OpenMCU-ru Service Monitor -OR- Monitor and Automatically Restart a Service Upon Failure

I threw this service monitoring script together because occasionally the OpenMCU-ru process in the developmental versions can crash out on my Ubuntu Server from time to time, so I wanted it to auto-restart. The script could easily be modified and used for any other service you like, but it was written specifically for OpenMCU-ru and Debian based operating systems.

There are two pieces to this puzzle (which makes for an awfully pathetic and simplistic puzzle), the “/etc/init.d/mcu-monitor” startup script to run the monitoring script as a daemon and the “/usr/local/bin/” monitoring script itself, both are fairly simple and straight forward. Continue reading “Bash Script – OpenMCU-ru Service Monitor -OR- Monitor and Automatically Restart a Service Upon Failure”

Startup Script for OpenMeetings Open-Source Video Conferencing Server

/etc/init.d/openmeetings startup script for Ubuntu Server 12.04.2
OpenMeetings Version 2.0-INCUBATING

A few notes:
– Make sure to change path for RED5_HOME variable
– Make sure to chmod +x the init script
– This assumes openmeetings is running under a user/group with the same name
– This assumes you are using libreoffice (not openoffice) for the whiteboard file import service

# Author: Nathan Thomas
# Provides:          red5
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog $named $time
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog $named $time
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# X-Interactive:     true
# Short-Description: Start/stop OpenMeetings java based conferencing webapp
DESC="Red5 flash streaming server"
# Plugin Variables
 Continue reading "Startup Script for OpenMeetings Open-Source Video Conferencing Server"