Server 2012 – Creating Always Maximized Internet Explorer Desktop Shortcuts to Websites via Group Policy

One annoying thing that happens a lot in Windows is the odd window size in Internet Explorer when clicking on any URL type shortcut icon. Unfortunately, with the URL type shortcuts, there’s not really a way to guarantee how the window size will be positioned every time as most of the time it goes by your previous IE window’s state but we all know there are scenarios where that isn’t always the case.
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Server 2012 – Set Internet Explorer Home/Start Page via Group Policy

If you want to set the user’s home page initially but then allow them to change it to whatever they want, on the Common tab in Group Policy Preferences, just make sure to check the box “Apply once and do not reapply” otherwise, any changes the user makes to their home page will be lost the next time they log in.
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Exchange 2010 OWA – Outgoing Attachments Not Visible in Compose New Message Window

For about the last nine months to a year, I have been having ongoing problems with Exchange 2010 OWA with SP3 not showing attachments on outgoing emails. Even though the attachments would still get delivered, the location where the attachments would normally show up had completely disappeared and you couldn’t remove items after attaching them. I can personally vouch that this issue affected IE8, IE10, IE11 on PC and Google Chrome on MAC. As for Firefox or Safari, I can’t really remember whether they were affected or not and since it’s already fixed I have no way of testing it.
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